Monday, November 26, 2018

Sunday Fun Day, come on Monday.

Time for some pure old fashioned fun, Lyrics Edition.

While Terri Nunn famously asked "What do you all like to do...?", and laughed the second best bedroom laugh ever, when introducing the song Sex (I'm a...) in live sets with Berlin in the early 80's...

... another band asked the broader version of a similar question when they recorded:

What do you want from life?

The band was The Tubes, the song was recorded first in 1975, and I heard them live twice right around 1980. The lyrics are a thing of their time, but still speak to me after all these years.

like this part: "To try and be happy while you do the nasty things you must?"

The complete lyrics are on the YouTube page linked above, listed below the VoD.

If you don't know The Tubes, here is a Wiki article that covers their career.


What do -you- want from life?

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