Podcast Appearance!
Last week, we finished the 3rd Editing round completed for Remember Them, and got fresh review copies out to beta readers. 4th Editing (Proofreading) is underway. We are getting VERY close...
The timing on that was exactly what I needed, too. I had to travel again over last weekend.
During the trip, I did manage to fit in one writing-related activity: I was invited to appear on the Writers Drinking Coffee podcast! Thanks to my marvelous host and the crew at W-D-C, it went swimmingly. You can hear the podcast here:
Writers Drinking Coffee Episode Seventeen
Ray Greer, late of HERO Games, and I were the guests. We had a grand time discussing how experience in Role Playing Games contributes to, and influences, how one writes fiction.
The entire podcast series is superb, and I recommend listening to all the episodes.
Twenty-six pages of fight scene in linear time. That sounds like a role-playing fight to me!