Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Siege Warfare, and Some Very Good News

Editing a novel, especially the 3rd round (in our scheme), is almost like Siege Warfare. You surround each paragraph, then pick it apart line by line and word choice by word choice, always advancing your trenches until you are close enough to charge in and capture it.

In less colorful language: we look at every line and every phrase. How does this read? Is the meaning the same if we change *this*? How does the paragraph flow? Is this dialogue expressed in the correct character's voice? Does this reference close a loophole left open in some previous chapter, as intended?

and so on.

and so on.

I wasn't joking. Even uninterrupted, good editing can and should take longer than the original writing.

Thankfully, I have a good editor.

The end is in sight. Might be a few weeks if things interrupt, but we are getting close. When we have it in hand, I'll be posting the publication date here. Thank you all for waiting so long!

In better news:

I'm proud to announce that Remember Them will have another magnificent Scott Ruggels cover design. He works wonders, both on schedule and in quality. I'm very grateful.

Friends, please feast your eyes on this: