New Novel Progress: Manuscript Complete.
That's the reason for the gap in postings here, folks. I needed to nail it down.
I reached Manuscript-Complete status over the weekend. rough draft, officially... although 1st draft Editing is almost caught up.
The plan from this point is:
Finish 1st draft Edit. Sit back, take a deeeeep breath, and go straight into a 2nd draft (Structural) Edit.
As soon as Chapter One is past 2nd draft, it gets posted here for everyone to read. Final decision on the Title happens at this time.
As soon as 2nd draft is ready, I send the "beta" copies to my pre-readers. *Yes, that's a limited list, selected as much for how quickly they can get back to me with their comments and corrections as for the usual valued feedback quality.*
Grind on 3rd draft and get another fine Scott Ruggels book cover bought and paid for. Yes, he's already getting things planned to do that. This is also when the decision about any last major changes can happen based on reader-feedback.
One last grind on a 4th draft to catch anything missed, or errors introduced in rewrites/changes. Add the boilerplate and author's notes... and...
... get to having a publication quality file. That then goes into Kindle Direct Publishing's upload with a targeted release date. Which I will proudly announce as it gets closer.
Thank you, all. I hope you'll like it. Time to get this rock polished up!